

To launch your online e-commerce business with TitleLeaf, you will need to select a one-time setup arrangement and a monthly subscription plan.

One-Time Setup

TitleLeaf setup depends on the complexity of your online business and the degree of customization desired. The following table lists common TitleLeaf setup arrangements. Setup is complete once your site launches. Thereafter, your monthly subscription applies.

  • Cost-Cutter
  • $9900
  • We apply your corporate identity to the default TitleLeaf theme directly. The design mockup phase is skipped.
  • TitleLeaf Theme
  • No Design Mockups
  • 2 Design Revisions
  • 2-Month Process
  • Self-Starter
  • $14900
  • We provide design mockups of your corporate identity applied to the default TitleLeaf theme, we implement.
  • TitleLeaf Theme
  • Our Design Mockups
  • 3 Design Revisions
  • 3-Month Process
  • Collaborative
  • $19900
  • You provide design mockups of a custom theme, we work together to ensure the design can be implemented, we implement.
  • Custom Theme
  • Your Design Mockups
  • 3 Design Revisions
  • 3-Month Process


  • Data setup. You supply data in CSV, Excel, or ONIX format. We import into TitleLeaf. Add $4900.
  • Additional storefront. You supply the logo for the additional storefront. We modify the primary site's theme to create it. Add $4900.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the site launch?

The site will launch at the end of the setup process. The length of the setup process is dictated by the selected setup plan. The setup process begins on signing of the setup agreement.

What does Design Mockup encompass?

Design mockup (aka, realization) equates to the creation of the design template in an Adobe-PhotoShop-compatible format and the transformation of that design into representative HTML/CSS/JS files. Depending on the complexity, the design encompasses approximately 5 layouts.

What does Design Implementation encompass?

Design implementation is the process of applying the HTML/CSS/JS design template files (created in the Design Realization/Mockup phase) to each page within the TitleLeaf public-facing site.

In what format do I provide the design?

For either the Self-Starter or Collaborative package, you'll provide the design of a minimum of four pages: 1) Home page, 2) List page, 3) Set page, 4) Title page. Design files must be communicated in layered PhotoShop files and HTML/CSS/JS files.

What's the Custom Theme design process?

Based on materials and directions that you provide, we will first deliver an initial design in JPG format. At least one design iteration/revision is offered if the initial design is not accepted. The number of revisions is dictated by your selected setup plan. Upon you accepting the design, we will then convert to HTML/CSS/JS and implement in the TitleLeaf application.

Are custom setup plans available?

Yes, custom setup plans are available upon request to accommodate any range of collaboration.

Is technical support included?

Up to one hour of technical support is included with any monthly subscription plan for the first year of the plan. A guide is also available for self-learners.

Can I request design changes after launch?

Yes. Adjustments can be made to the design after launch by scheduling the work with the development team. Our current hourly rate for "front-end" design work is $249.

Can I request data assistance in the future?

Yes. Beyond technical support, our team does provide data management assistance and training at an hourly rate of $249.

What's the data setup process?

You deliver the data in any format available. We will enter this data into the templates and import into TitleLeaf. From there, both of us can test/verify the data before launching the live site.

After setup, do you maintain the data?

No, it is your responsibility to maintain the data after the initial setup. TitleLeaf has a thorough administrative interface that allows you to adjust the content on an ongoing basis.

Do you offer discounts for start-ups?

Yes, special setup pricing is available to organizations with less than 5 full-time employees.

Get a hands-on tour of the TitleLeaf application.

And then tinker with a live installation by yourself.

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