Page variables
Custom pages can contain variables that are replaced with values when the page is presented to a visitor.
Variables are designated in the page body using the following syntax:
The table below lists all acceptable variables names:
Variable Name | Description |
page.title | The value entered into the "Title" field when creating the page |
page.created_at | The date/time at which the page was created |
page.updated_at | The date/time at which the page was last updated |
app_name * | The name used in email subject line |
app_url * | The url used in email body |
company_name | The company name |
phone | The phone number |
fax | The fax number |
tax_id | The Tax ID |
suite | The suite line of the corporate address |
street | The street line of the corporate address |
city | The city of the corporate address |
state | The state for the corporate address |
zip | The ZIP for the corporate address |
country | The country for the corporate address |
order_suite | The suite line of the ordering address |
order_street | The street line of the ordering address |
order_city | The city for the ordering address |
order_state | The state for the ordering address |
order_zip | The ZIP for the ordering address |
order_country | The country for the ordering address |
sales_email | The sales email address |
support_email | The support email address |
hosted_ebooks_trial_email | The hosted ebook trial email address |
webmaster_email | The webmaster email address |
onix_contact | The person to contact regarding ONIX |
onix_email | The email address of the person to contact regarding ONIX |
catalog_html | HTML to embed the current flip catalog in a custom page |
catalog_url | URL to a page containing the current embedded flip catalog |
"FILENAME" | tl_image | Outputs the image stored in the Images module matching the given file name |
"TAG" | tl_tagged_faqs | Outputs a list of faqs tagged with the term "TAG" |
"TAG" | tl_tagged_downloads | Outputs a list of downloads tagged with the term "TAG" |
"TAG" | tl_tagged_downloads_extended | Outputs a list of downloads tagged with the term "TAG" |
"TAG" | tl_tagged_headlines | Outputs a list of headlines tagged with the term "TAG" |
"TAG" | tl_tagged_headlines_extended | Outputs a list of headlines tagged with the term "TAG" |
page.products_compact_list | Outputs a compact list of the featured products |
page.products_extended_list | Outputs a extended list of the featured products |
page.products_grid_list | Outputs a grid list of the featured products |
page.clearance_extended_list | Outputs a extended list of the products tagged with the term clearance |
page.clearance_grid_list | Outputs a grid list of the featured products tagged with the term clearance |
"ISBN" | tl_product_link | Outputs an HTML link to the product page matching the given ISBN |
"ISBN" | tl_product_cover | Outputs the cover image of the product matching the given ISBN |
"ISBN" | tl_product_spread | Outputs the spread image of the product matching the given ISBN |
* To change the value of these variables please contact TitleLeaf support. All other variables can be changed via the Admin UI.
To display the company name defined in Admin Settings, use the following code:
Welcome to the {{ company_name }} website!
Assuming company_name is defined as "Acme, Inc.", a visitor will be presented with the following:
Welcome to the Acme, Inc. website!