
Create excerpt from PDF ebook

As an alternative to manually creating excerpts of your books, TitleLeaf can auto-generate excerpts from the PDF ebook associated with the product.


  • TitleLeaf will remove a predefined number of pages from the interior in order to create the excerpt. Talk to your TitleLeaf support representative to define those numbers.
  • If you would prefer to create the excerpt yourself, instead of having TitleLeaf do so, then follow these directions to ingest an excerpt.

Follow the process below to upload a PDF ebook. The excerpt will be automatically created shortly thereafter.

  1. Navigate to new ingestion page.

    TitleLeaf: New ingestion

  2. Select Ebooks as ingestion type, choose to upload the PDF on your local machine, then click the Create button.

    TitleLeaf: New ingestion, Ebook

    Note: The file can also be uploaded via FTP. In this case, remember to follow the file naming convention.

If the ingestion is successful, the PDF will be processed and thereafter an excerpt will be available to the public.

Sleeping Bear: Read excerpt link

TitleLeaf: Read excerpt example